meet the team

Jonathan Pearlman DC
During my childhood, I watched how my father suffered with multiple health problems. It effected my family for several years as he had bouts of Viral Meningitis and Ulcerative Colitis that led to many hospitalizations and surgical interventions. He had been declining for many years (though only in his 30’s) relying on antibiotics, surgical procedures and the “typical” insurance/western recommendations. By the time he was 38 and looked like he would turn it all around he started having knee pain, but no one detected the malignant tumor growing inside his leg.
His Primary care Doctor along with an Orthopedic Surgeon missed the diagnosis on their film study, and eventually a specialist he was referred to caught it. But it was too late, and my father died one year later, a day before his 40th birthday.
To be honest, that event did not motivate me to become a Doctor to save people, and not miss a lethal disease or a diagnosis. It just made me sad, angry, and confused. But years later (when I was turning 27) I began dealing with a handful of health conditions myself. Once again, I relied on the advice of my family and “in-network” medical providers who conducted short (now I know) by the book exams and started me on trials of medication that never helped.
Fast-forward to the time I was 29 and had regained my health through “natural means” with Chiropractic care as the foundation and "driving force" that allowed me to heal of these ailments with quality food and some natural remedies. I had to share this with the world! So, I went back to college at The University of Rhode Island where I majored in Exercise Science/Kinesiology because I wanted to help people stay fit, and be healthy.
Fate would have it, while finishing my undergraduate degree (during my internship at a Physical Therapy office) history would repeat itself. An 18-year-old athlete who was experiencing unilateral knee pain was getting treated, yet my innate-feeling was not one I was comfortable with. Something was not right, but I was just there to observe and learn. One month later after I was done, it was confirmed that this patient was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, they had cancer in that leg! There I was, watching from a front-row seat. A young person in the hands of the “medical/insurance system” having his care and procedures dictated as medically necessary or not necessary, while an “just doing my part” provider kept treating. Even though no progress was being made, and a life was at stake. That is when the FIRE WAS LIT.
I Knew that from the Life changing experience I had with my Chiropractor Dr. Doug DeCubellis (which I elaborate on in a YouTube Video) and seeing the “BROKEN” medical model that was misdiagnosing the people I loved and cared for. It was clear, I needed to become a Doctor of Chiropractic so I could not only heal people the way I was healed -which is the greatest gift I have had the pleasure of giving back in my life- but to have the ability and desire to diagnose patients, evaluate imaging and make the necessary referrals for my patient(s) without insurance or a broken corporate system dictating to me or my patients what is medically necessary. This was the best decision of my life, and I plan on paying it forward every day.
Chiropractic allows us to reach our highest potential in health because of its unique “natural” way the spine communicates with our nervous system to decrease pain, increase motion, make for faster healing time, improved function and maximizes our overall health.
My passions’ other than serving the people of this world through the science, philosophy and art of Chiropractic are exercise (running, weightlifting, and calisthenics), spending quality time with my gorgeous wife Jen, our dog Dr. Axle and "my bird" Matilda. They are the force that allows me to do all that I do.
My mission and desire are to educate and inspire everyone to make better choices in life around healthcare and wellness. These choices will lead us all down a path for our bodies to have the ability to adapt, stay strong, and efficiently heal, all while spreading TRUTH & LOVE.

Office Manager
Amanda W.
Amanda is a crucial player at Paramount. She is an amazing wife , Mother of 4 and TRUE Texan Through and through. She oversees the day to day operations and scheduling at the office while also coordinating events and workshops.

Four legged healing companion
Dr. Axle YorkiPooh
Four-legged Son to Dr. Pearlman and Nurse Jen, and he will have his bone marrow in this life or the next.
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
By Appointment Only
By Appointment Only
Please call to establish or request an appointment online. Walk-in appointments can be accommodated but have longer waiting times.
Paramount Chiropractic & Wellness
2050 North Plano Rd Suite 200A
Richardson, TX 75082